What am I doing?

📅 Sunday, January 22, 2023


I am currently in the second year of my PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London.

I started my PhD working on a project to find bugs in Equivalence Checkers. The results of this project have been submitted for publication to DAC 2024.

I am interested in continuing work on the field of equivalence checking, and I am currently investigating building a mechanically verified equivalence checker.

This term (Spring 2024) I am TAing for the 2nd year Language Processors module in the EE department.


My focus is currently on this website. I have grown really interested in the ideas of the IndieWeb community, as well as Digital Gardens. This website is inspired by both of these concepts. I like doing my own implementations of various IndieWeb protocols, like micropub, suited to how I like to interact with my website.

I also spend quite a bit of time working on my homelab, trying out different software

I recently did Advent of Code 2023, but did not manage to complete all days in time. I am slowly working through the remaining ones.

You will also often find me walking around London with my camera, and you can find some of my photos on my photography page